Release notes

Version 1.1.3

Additions * Integration of new media file transcoding service
* New workflow for adding vocabulary files to SPV service
* Add and external service to the platform without programming
Removals N/A
Changes * Propagate free text annotation changes to similar annotations
* Search result links point to the corresponding time code in the annotation workspace
* New timeline colours in annotation workspace
Known issues * Thumbnail not displayed immediately after transcoding of a media added from a URL [VESTAPL-709]
* In certain cases auto save in annotation workspace will multiply annotation timelines [VESTAPL-717]

Version 1.1.2

Additions * Allow a PI to select which annotation services will be used in a study
* Full text search in medias, annotations and codification schemes
* External service documentation
Removals N/A
Changes * A researcher can be added to a study in the "add a resarcher" form
* Support for multilingual SPV service
Known issues * Some MP3 audio files trigger an error when uploading [VESTAPL-793]
* Thumbnail may not display properly when adding a video file from a URL [VESTAPL-709]
* Publishing a free text annotation scheme triggers an error [VESTAPL-776]
* No result for free text search in transcription annotations [VESTAPL-768]

Version 1.1.1

Additions * Annotation workspace : filters for timeline annotations by time, annotation type and content
* Annotation workspace : free text codifications to build schemes on the fly
* Allow video files without a soundtrack and audio files only
* Add a video or audio file to a study from a public URL
Removals N/A
Changes * Page titles in researchers, schemes and studies sections
* Easier setup for Spoken vs Read Words service
Known issues * Frontend does not display manual timelines [VESTAPL-748]
* Services associated to a dataset do not display properly [VESTAPL-762]

Version 0.95

Additions * New graphical design
* Annotation workspace : autosave of timelines
* Annotation workspace : a timeline can be set to visible/not visible in the result window
* Annotation workspace : when a timeline is deleted a reseacher can request the service again
* Annotation workspace : transition annotation now have an editable name
* Annotation workspace : locked if already in use by another researcher
* Annotation workspace : all timelines can be exported to CSV format
* Annotation workspace : auto logout after 24 hours of inactivity
* Annotation workspace : crash reports are sent by email to admin
* Researcher profile : configurable autosave delay
* Researcher profile : a researcher can add a second email address
* A PI can copy a study to his own account or to another PI's account
* A PI can copy a scheme to his own account or to another PI's account
* A PI can add a researcher from another PI's account into his own accout
* Admin : notified when a researcher is deactivated or deleted
* Admin : pages for managing PIs and application support
Removals * Annotation workspace : modal message when saving timelines
Changes * Platform now accessible by HTTPS only
* Usability improvements on the tutorials page
* Bug fixes and performance improvements
* Usability improvements
Known issues * A few video formats/codecs generate a transcoding error after upload [VESTAPL-477]
* The text matching service cannot be restarted in some instances [VESTAPL-434]

Version 0.9

Additions N/A
Removals N/A
Changes N/A
Known issues * A PI currently cannot deactivate a researcher [VESTAPL-364]
* A PI currently cannot link a researcher and set his access rights to a study before the researcher has validated his account [VESTAPL-360]
* The duplicate dataset functionnality needs improvement since all duplicated dataset currently point to the original document and all its annotations [VESTAPL-296 & VESTAPL-297]